Getting started

This documentation will go through all the steps required to display Ogury ads through AdMob mediation on Unity platform.

Step 1: Register your applications

In case you publish your application on both Android and iOS, you should do the following steps twice, once for the Android application and once for the iOS application. Otherwise just select the platform you publishes for.

The Asset Key follows the pattern: OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is an uppercase letter or digit. In all the following code samples, we will refer to:

  • the Asset Key of the Android application by using the string ANDROID_ASSET_KEY.

  • the Asset Key of the iOS application by using the string IOS_ASSET_KEY.

Step 2: Import the Ogury SDKs

The Ogury SDKs import is based on the Google dependency resolver: Google External Dependency Manager for Unity (formerly Play Services Resolver). It will enable you to download the latest versions of Ogury SDKs and adapters directly from your Unity development platform.

Import the Ogury SDKs and its adapters

Create an OguryDependencies.xml file in Assets/Editor directory with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <androidPackage spec="co.ogury:ogury-sdk:5.+">
        <androidPackage spec="co.ogury:ogury-mediation-admob:5.+">
        <iosPod name="OguryMediationGoogleMobileAds" version="~>"></iosPod>

To know more about the latest release of the Ogury SDKs and its adapters, you can check release notes below:

Step 3: Integrate Ogury ad formats

Congratulations, the Ogury SDK is now initialized! You are now ready to integrate your first ad. Ogury provides four different ad formats, (i) Interstitial Ads, (ii) Opt-in Video Ads and (iii) Banner Ads. You can refer to the following sections to proceed with the integration:

Before going live

Ogury is part of the IAB Authorized Sellers for Apps initiative to fight inventory fraud for applications. It is recommended to update your app-ads.txt to include Ogury as described in the app-ads.txt section.

Last updated